Thursday, March 3, 2011

Now we train....

Last week we had a bit of a transition.  Kelly the Magnificent and I had just completed 3 miles on a trail and he turned to me and said "now we train".  Now we train? We just ran 2 miles on a trail, what the hell was that?  Apparently that was "going for a run".  Who knew?  Well now I know the difference.   After the 2 mile trail run then we moved over to 2nd trail and start the "catch the rabbit" training.   This involves Kelly running ahead of me and I run as fast as I can to catch him.   Did I mention this was on a trail?  During this process when I can't go any further I am suppose to give a shout out and then we walk....then the whole cycle starts over.   This went on for another 3 miles I think.  By the time we were done I was a little blurry.

Gone are the days of merely the 3 the bar must be raise so I don't kill over on the long trail runs during the series I signed up for.....oh yeah...that makes sense.

Another new curveball was being introduced to spinning.    Wow.  Who knew that a weird bike apparatus could be that painful.  

This weekend is the 10K with my little brother.   I'm pretty sure walking will be involved but remember - the goal is to finish, right?

I leave you with a picture of my last trail race.  After the faceplant there was minimal dusting off - after all - I didn't want to be last.  And even with the faceplant I was determined not to look like a zombie. 


1 comment:

  1. I so vain for my run matter how bad I feel, if I see a camera, I gut it out, look forward, get a serious look and "trudge through." But I refuse to ever get my pic taken walking!
