Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cupid's Cup Update

Decided to sign up and run the Cupid's Cup 5K in Charlotte.  No pink t-shirts please (they were white by the way).  As far as courses go, it was pretty flat.  The results have not posted but I'm pretty sure I had a new personal record.  This is mostly because as I turned a corner I saw my buddy Tom and his lovely wife Mary.   This was timely as they both helped me focus and continued to move.  Tom was in coaching mode but I did take the opportunity to look at Mary when he was telling us to pick up and ask her if she had ever punched him at the end of a run.  She said no but I'm thinking it has crossed her mind.   Nevertheless without their help I'm pretty sure I would not have that assumed new personal record.

Let's take a minute to talk about preparation.  Now the night before a race I usually know what I'm wearing, make sure my ipod and garmin are charged and generally have a target time of when I am leaving the house.   That much I have down.'s what I learned this time.   1) Make sure there is gas in the car.  My car is in the shop and when I got into the Xterra I found it to be empty.  And oh by the way - I did not notice till after I left the house which sucked more because I didn't carry credit cards with me.  2) Know exactly where you are going and when they are planning to block off the roads or you will end up driving around looking for a parking space somewhere, anywhere so you don't miss the race. I finally found a space on a side street, dumped the car and ran to the start line just as the race was beginning.  Brilliant stroke of luck I remembered where I parked it.  

This meant however no warm up and today....I'm feeling it.

Next race is in two weeks and it's a 5K trail one.  My buddy Paul is joining this one and it will be his first trail race.  So exciting!

I'm looking at another goal/challenge...maybe I will blog about it later.....

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