Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Race Update - THE BEAR - Assault on Grandfather Mountain

As most of you know back in February I signed up to run the Bear at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games.  Oh my how time flies, before I knew it the race was upon me.   Now this is no ordinary five mile race as you can tell by the image above.

I rested most of the day because the race starts at 7pm.    I knew two other people that were planning on running it as well and spent most of the day anticipating their arrival.  We picked up our packets, stretched and talked a bit before start time.  The organizers cut off registration at 800 and the race filled up months ago.   There really wasn't a "start line", just a guy will a loud bullhorn tell us to keep out of the road until he directed.  All of a sudden we were off, and up the hill we went.  Very shortly we turned a corner to start our way up a winding road.   I had ran this part of the route on Monday and it certainly was tough.    I tried to keep the eye on the prize.   My goal was not to picked up by the sag wagon.  To prevent that runners must be at mile 3 in 50 minutes or less.    Normally that's not a big deal but when all you can see is a steep grade....hmm...let's just say I was really focused on mile 3.    After the side road the race leads you thru the campground.  This was great because I really enjoyed hearing my fan club cheer me on.  And at that point I really need the encouragement.   Next up we were on the track around the MacRae Meadows - nice time to catch my breath.  Then the real fun started up a grass hill to the blacktop...the blacktop that led to the top of Grandfather Mountain.  OMG - I thought it would never end.   The last mile of that race was the hardest I have experienced.   Normally when I see the finish line I can pull out a little more juice.  Not so much this time around.   There was more walking than I would have liked but at that point, everyone around me was walking.   BUT............I FINISHED!  It was worth every step.  I even got a little medal to prove it too.  Yay me!

A shout out to Kirk and Dave  - Without them I might have not made it up the hill.   And thanks for waiting for me at the top (er...even though you didn't have a choice and I had the car keys).

Kirk, Dave

Maybe just maybe I will run it again next year......

1 comment:

  1. "I FINISHED! It was worth every step."

    I'M SO GLAD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
