Friday, September 23, 2011

Whirlwind Update!

Been a while since I've updated and a lot has happened! After the Bear run in July I developed plantar fasciitis.  Painful! Also knocked me out of the River Bound series' 15K trail run. This was most disappointing and had me a little freaked out because I was not able to train for a couple of weeks. I did not like the boot and wore it mostly at night to sleep in. It did help.

Then I got back on the horse, well I different kind of horse. I had my first duathlon! The Nutrithon event was a 5k run/25k bike ride/3k run. It was billed as good for a novice (that's me!) because it had gently rolling hills. My trusty Coach Tom thought this was just the challenge I needed. My trainer Kelly the Magnificent joined in as he said it would be great cross-training. I got to the event that morning and Coach Tom shove a chunk in my hand and said eat was kind gross looking so I wasn't sure. He said it was carbs and I would need them. Then the ref guy proceeded to tell me I could not wear my ipod while I ran for the race. WHAT? OMG!Didn't see that one coming. I've been to races where they say that but it's not enforced. This time the guy was serious. So I had to suck it up. The 5K run wasn't too bad, I grabbed my trusty bike and off to the bike portion. Gently rolling hills my ass! During one particular climb I actually had the motorcycle cop stop and ask me if I was ok - I looked at him and said "Gently rolling hills my ass!" to which he replied "uh oh yeah, they totally lied about that". After this point every time he lapped me he gave me a big smile and thumbs up. Sometimes he was scream out the random number of tough hills left. I came to like the man. In any case by some miracle I made it to the transition point with the bike and started the 3k run. Now I have to tell you 3k is pretty much a nothing run, except after you get off the bike you feel a little weird running. And my legs in particular had decided to stop cooperating. Clearly they were pissed and wanted to rest. So basically I walked/ran the last part of the race. But I finished! Lucky for me Coach Tom was waiting for me at the finish line because I'm not sure I would have got my bike back on my car rack. Actually I think I might be doing was hard but definitely different. The bike ride really makes you tough it out mentally which I hopes helps me on the half-marathon.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Race Update - THE BEAR - Assault on Grandfather Mountain

As most of you know back in February I signed up to run the Bear at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games.  Oh my how time flies, before I knew it the race was upon me.   Now this is no ordinary five mile race as you can tell by the image above.

I rested most of the day because the race starts at 7pm.    I knew two other people that were planning on running it as well and spent most of the day anticipating their arrival.  We picked up our packets, stretched and talked a bit before start time.  The organizers cut off registration at 800 and the race filled up months ago.   There really wasn't a "start line", just a guy will a loud bullhorn tell us to keep out of the road until he directed.  All of a sudden we were off, and up the hill we went.  Very shortly we turned a corner to start our way up a winding road.   I had ran this part of the route on Monday and it certainly was tough.    I tried to keep the eye on the prize.   My goal was not to picked up by the sag wagon.  To prevent that runners must be at mile 3 in 50 minutes or less.    Normally that's not a big deal but when all you can see is a steep grade....hmm...let's just say I was really focused on mile 3.    After the side road the race leads you thru the campground.  This was great because I really enjoyed hearing my fan club cheer me on.  And at that point I really need the encouragement.   Next up we were on the track around the MacRae Meadows - nice time to catch my breath.  Then the real fun started up a grass hill to the blacktop...the blacktop that led to the top of Grandfather Mountain.  OMG - I thought it would never end.   The last mile of that race was the hardest I have experienced.   Normally when I see the finish line I can pull out a little more juice.  Not so much this time around.   There was more walking than I would have liked but at that point, everyone around me was walking.   BUT............I FINISHED!  It was worth every step.  I even got a little medal to prove it too.  Yay me!

A shout out to Kirk and Dave  - Without them I might have not made it up the hill.   And thanks for waiting for me at the top (er...even though you didn't have a choice and I had the car keys).

Kirk, Dave

Maybe just maybe I will run it again next year......

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Overcoming the Upper Limit - Mental Toughness

It's been a while since my last posting.  I've had a lot of challenges.  Ever since the RiverBound 10K I've been going backwards.   I could not understand why since basically my whole training plan is building blocks of miles.  This is a proven strategy.  So why was I having so much trouble?

At one point I actually sat down in the trail during a run said I cant do this and declared I was done.  Lucky for me my trainer Kelly was with me.  He had repeatedly said that physically there was no reason why I could not complete the run.   And unless I was partying it up and lying to him about my homework - this had to be MENTAL.  I had hit a wall.  My mileage went down as well as my times.  The worse the session, the more confidence I had in anything I could do got sucked away.  At some point I wasn't even running a mile before stopping and walking.

Well, crap.   Mental.  That  sucked.  That really sucked because I wasn't entirely sure what was wrong so how the heck was I was going to fix it.   Even now that I'm working on this problem I still think this sucks.

Enter Laura - she's like a combination of sunshine and a stern fairy godmother rolled into one.   She helped me see I clearly had hit an upper limit problem.   I clearly was comfortable with the fact that I was capable of reaching my 5K goal and I had even achieved the 10K on the road.  But I really struggled with the 10K trail.  Instead of overcoming and moving on - I hit my limit.  And thus, the self-sabotaging started.   I'm really good at this!  :-)   Every run after that trail race that little voice got louder and louder.  "You can't do this, you have never been good at any sports, you're over 40 why are you even out here, remember how the kids pointed and laughed at you".  Yep - not that I have this market cornered on negative self talk but I do ok.

Well screw you little voice.  And screw you upper limit.   I'm not quitting on my training plan.  I'm not backing out of my race schedule.  I'm not the fastest peep out there but I am not going to quit.

Today I did not run on a trail.  I ran a 5K distance on a greenway.  I did not suck.  I finished and I did it around my PR time.   So yeah I'm coming for you "upper limit" and you better be ready cause I'm going to busting thru you.   And little voice - if you don't have anything nice to say - park it and shut the hell up.

Next up: Grandfather Mountain's Bear Run - 5 miles straight up the mountain.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Race, Race, Race Update!

Been a bit of a slacker on the updates.  I've run 3 races since I last posted! Quick update....

Run Ballantyne 5K (road race)

This was went pretty well, I was SO close to a new PR.  Alas it was not meant to be....maybe next time.   It was nice to get back to a road race after spending time on the trails.   Hills? Not when you compare them to the trails. Also the temps have been going way up so I finally switched to shorts.  Ah...the white white legs!  Don't I look determined?

Riverbound 10K (trail race)

This race kicked my butt.   I was so nervous at the beginning my trainer said I looked like I had one big stress ball around me.   I even blew off my buddy Tom during warmup.   I did not prepare enough and clearly after mile 4 of 6.2 I lost all steam.    I finished and I wasn't last but it clearly shook me up as the 15K is around the corner.  Speaking of the 15K I decided to go check out parts of the WhiteWater Center  trails I had not seen that were expected to be part of the 15K.   Below is Goat Hill. 

Run for Peace 5K (greenway/road/trail race)

First time at McAlpine Park.   I keep signing up for 5ks for two reasons 1) Ensure that I get mileage in on a Saturday 2) Keep my confidence up.   I was crushed after my RiverBound 10K.   I arrived last saturday far more calm and relaxed, looking forward to having a good time.   There was a bit of a misunderstanding at the beginning, I was hoping to run at 8am with they guys but they pulled me out and made me start at 8:30 with the rest of the women.  It had indicated on their website women could start at 8am but clearly something was lost in communication.   By 8:30 I had cooled down from the warm up I did with Tom (this time I didn't blow him off ;-0).  Again, I missed setting a new PR.   But hey there's always next time.

James and I took the pups to the park the next day.   McKinley and Sophie were still going strong but Gracie was adamant she had enough walking and was DONE.   Much like me after the 10K trail.   


Sunday, April 17, 2011

RaceFest aka RAINfest Update

Saturdays are race days....when I have one on the books I usually have a mixture of excitement and nervousness during week.  This week was no exception as I prepared for a 10K road race.  Normally I check up on the weather once or twice, this week, however I watched it like a hawk.   Charlotte has been hit by some rather nasty storms complete with golf ball size hail recently.   The weather peeps were not painting a good picture for the race.   The officials even came up with a backup plan and sent it out.  

Rain.  Ugh.   My last 10K road race had a steady rain.  I knew that I could do the race in rain, but possible gusty winds and hail?  What if that came in the middle of the race? 

Interestingly enough I had several people ask me if I was still going to run.  I must have crossed some invisible crazy person mark because it really didn't occur to me not to show up.  I found this interesting as I can assure you last spring when I saw a runner in the rain I would think to myself "idiot".  Hmm, actually when it is raining really hard I still think that.   In the case of the race though, hey I picked up the shirt, I HAVE to go.

It turned out the weather was about like it was for my Greenville race.  Wet but not too overwhelming.  When I crossed the finish line it let loose for a few minutes, then it went light again.  I did feel sorry for those half-marathon runners because I think they had it worse.

All in all my results were ok - I did not meet my target time.  I struggled after mile 4 and a lot of that was mental.   I do however need to carry my own water on these longer runs.  The water stops are killing me and I live too much for them.  I lose my rhythm (if i have it in the first place) and that's when that pesky voice is screaming WALK WALK I'm tired!  So next time around gotta take my own.  I also need to find better ways of beating that voice back with a stick!

Racefest gave us all medals which is cool because this is the only way I will get one.  ;-)

I am collect quite the little stack of numbers though....

Next race is the Riverbound series 10K trail run.  Lots of training before then....

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Race, Struggle, Race

It has been a little while since the update.   Let's see if I can catch everyone up. 

I completed the first race in the RiverBound series.  It was an 8K trail and I did ok.  Not great but ok.    The weather was nice and there was no FACEPLANTing.  Remember the goals people!  After that race however I had to add a new rule that involved not passing out.   Hello hydration and a little problem with anemia.   Back on those supplements!

After the 8K trail I started to really struggle.  It seems I get off plan when I go out of town or when work life gets more intense.  I also was having a lot of allergy problems....and it was hard adjusting to the warmer weather.   This is important because I felt like I was sliding backwards.  Actually I was sliding backwards - numbers don't lie.   As these races increase in distance, the bottom line is that you either make the commitment or you don't.   According to Kelly the transition from 10K to the 15K is a huge step.  If I had stayed in my current mindset, things weren't going to look good for me.  I completed a 10K trail and wasn't happy with my time either.   There were a couple people that actually quit after the first trail section but at least I finished.

All in all I had to take a step back.   Last year at this time I was barely into physical therapy.  I could barely stand to walk a lot or sit for a long time much less run.   I have completed several 5k races, 8k races and even two 10K races.  Not bad compared to last year.  

Now is the time to commit to being serious about this RiverBound series. The next RiverBound trail race is in May- a 10K.  With Kelly and all my other runner friends (Tom, Paul, Dave, Kirk) I can find my way for improvement.  I'm armed wth a new training plan and am paying more intention to my diet.

Next up - 10K Racefest Road Race in Charlotte next Saturday.....Wish me luck.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reedy River Race - I went, I ran, I conquered

Last Saturday I participated in my first 10K run.  I was VERY nervous about this race.  As you may remember, my little brother wanted me to join him as this was his first race.  I thought he was going to sign up for the 5K but noooooo  he wanted to do the 10K.

As the race got closer it was obvious it was going to be raining.  Ugh.  I had a bad training session on Wednesday.  Ugh.  Was I going to be ready?  Well I could not back out.  After all, little brother was counting on me.

He called me while I was driving down and told me he got his packet.  I asked him what he was planning on wearing to run in.   He said a Tshirt and gym shorts.  I stopped by the Nike outlet and got him a couple of dry wick shirts.  He was thrilled and immediately tried one on.

Race day came and so did the rain.  Lucky for us it was light but steady.  I could tell he was nervous but we when lined up he was focusing. Gone was the smack talk about how he was going to kick my ass.  I never claimed I could kick his just that I was going to run my own race and we would meet at the finish line.  Then we were off.....

I was determined not to stop at the first water station and once I went by it I got into a groove.  At 3.2 mark I was same time as my PR for a road 5K so I was on cloud nine.  The run was thru a park at that point and it was quite pretty.   I made it to the next water stop at 4.97 and walked it thru then started up again.   That last hill seemed like a mountain but when I saw the finish line for the first time I still had a little juice left and sprinted the last few seconds.  Yay me.

The next day our names were in the paper.  Little brother was so proud....even though we both were towards the back of the pack.  It didn't matter to me as I beat my target time and it didn't matter to him...cause he beat his big sister.  :-)

I leave you with a pic of little brother as he approached the finish line.